Olympic Marathoners Annoyed That Race Website Doesn’t List Start Time


Olympic marathon runners in Paris are annoyed and frustrated that the event’s official website doesn’t prominently mention the marathon’s start time, Dumb Runner has learned.

The website, which features a large photo of the women’s marathon field from the Tokyo Games, contains a wealth of information about the Olympic marathon, from the event’s Olympic history to details about the race route through Paris. There’s even a video “tour” of the course.

Visitors hoping to learn what time the race begins, however, are left guessing.

“All this [information] is great and all, but WHEN DOES THE RACE START?” said one Olympic marathoner who, like others, requested anonymity. “Why wouldn’t they put that, like, in big text right at the top?”

“Unbelievable,” said another. “There must be 3,000 words of text on this page. And it covers everything except the one thing every runner will actually want to know.”

“Argh,” they added.

“OK, so when should I show up? 6 a.m.? 7:30? 9:00?” said another runner, an Olympic veteran. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Efforts to reach Olympic officials for comment were unsuccessful, because the official website doesn’t have clear “Contact Us” information, either.

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