I Found the Best Jogging Stroller Under $200, and I Will Take This Information to My Grave


If you’re a runner with a small child, a quality jogging stroller is a must. Running with your baby or toddler is a terrific way to spend quality time with your little one without having to miss a workout.

Unfortunately, shopping for the right jogging stroller can be a workout unto itself. A cheap one might save you a few dollars in the near term, but cost you dearly in terms of comfort and quality; a high-end model might be “more stroller than you need” and set you back $600—or more!

With this in mind, I spent weeks researching and testing a dozen jogging strollers trying to find one that would deliver the goods without breaking the bank. In the end, one clear winner stood out—a thoughtfully designed, solidly built stroller that’s a breeze to store, maintain, and operate, all with a price tag of just $189.

Don’t let the low price fool you. This stroller comes loaded with features you’d expect on a much pricier model, including:

  • Five-point safety harness

  • Cup holder

  • Roomy storage basket

  • Light weight (less than 30 pounds)

  • Rear suspension

  • Full canopy

I will not share the make and model of this stroller with you.

Why should I? It took me a lot of time and effort to make this discovery. We’re talking blood, sweat, and tears. Literally. I sliced my thumb open trying to assemble one of these goddamn things.

Looking at you, Graco.

After all that, do you really expect me to just hand my results over to you on a silver platter? Like, Oh, yes, here—please benefit from the fruits of my labor without lifting a finger yourself? Think again. You could kidnap and torture me, and I still wouldn’t give up this information. I would die first.

You want to find the best jogging stroller under $200? Do your own frigging research.

This stroller is available at retailers nationwide and online. Good luck finding it.