If School Really Wanted to Restrict Access to Track, Fence Would Be Electrified, Local Runner Tells Self
A local woman this morning scaled a fence around a high school track to use the facility for a speed workout, Dumb Runner has learned, rationalizing the act of trespassing by telling herself that the fence wasn’t really much of an impediment.
“If [school administrators] really wanted to keep people out, they would have made this thing taller and maybe electrified it,” said the woman, identified as Valentina Vezzali, 36, a longtime runner and mother of two. “I mean, this isn’t so bad.”
“It must be mainly to keep out kids and people in wheelchairs and stuff,” she said.
The fence encircling the school’s track and playing field is 10 feet high and topped with two rows of barbed wire—not, Vezzali noted, razor wire, which would be much harder to deal with.
Vezzali climbed the fence about six feet from one of several KEEP OUT signs saying that use of the track was restricted to students.
“They have to say that,” she told herself, “because of the lawyers.”
Before beginning her workout, Vezzali added that her tax dollars paid for the track.