Nun Running Marathon Has Surprisingly Foul Mouth
A nun running a marathon over the weekend used some “very salty language,” Dumb Runner has learned, surprising her fellow competitors and even, at one point, receiving a warning from a race official.
Sister Danielle "Dee" Snider, 79, finished the race, New Jersey’s Silver Star Marathon, in 5 hours 49 minutes 33 seconds, grumbling and cursing most of the way, sources said. It was reportedly her first marathon.
“I passed her in the first mile, and she was already sort of peeved, I think,” said Mark Mendoza, a local runner and six-time finisher of the race. “She had started right up near the line, in the first corral, which was probably not the best choice for a slower runner like her.”
Mendoza said Snider seemed startled and annoyed by the jostling when the gun went off.
“I’m pretty sure I heard her muttering, ‘What the f***?’” he said. “I sort of did a double take.”
Sources said Snider’s mood, and her language, both deteriorated over the course of the race, as she dropped a full cup of Gatorade at an aid station (“Shit!”), stopped to walk off a side stitch around mile 14 (“Son of a bitch!”), and climbed a long hill at mile 22 (“Jesus, make it stop!”).
It is unclear whether Snider, in that last instance, was taking the Lord’s name in vain or making an earnest plea.
Snider did not respond to several calls seeking comment but suggested, through her prerecorded voicemail message, that her caller “go in peace.”