Podcast Engrossing
/Images via Depositphotos
I could write more, but most people who see the headline and image of this article on social media won’t bother clicking the link, so why bother?
Sorry if that sounds petulant, which it probably does. But I’ve been doing this for six years now and I see the analytics. I know that the overwhelming majority of readers who see my articles via social media will simply like/share/comment on them and move on.
Which is fine! Dumb Runner is ad-free, so I don’t depend on page views to generate revenue. My only goal is to make people smile and laugh and maybe think a little bit. To create a brief moment of connection. If I manage to do that, I’m happy.
Still. You can understand how, after years of writing articles that vanishingly few people seem to want or need, you might wake up one morning and decide to just skip that part.
Maybe I should just do Dumb Runner comics from now on.
In any case, thank you for reading. And for listening.
Yours Truly,