NYC Marathon Finish Line Blocked by Tourists Looking for M&M’s Store
/Depositphotos/Photo Illustration
A group of tourists Sunday blundered onto the finish line of the New York City Marathon, authorities said, pausing four abreast to study a map and oblivious to what was happening around them.
“We’re still not sure how they accessed the finish line area,” Norman Mailer, a spokesman for the New York Road Runners, the group that organizes the marathon, told Dumb Runner. “But they did, and they caused signifiant annoyance for marathon finishers who had to get around them.”
The tourists, a family of four reportedly visiting from Ohio, appeared to be searching for the M&M's World store in Times Square. That store is at Broadway and 48th Street, some 18 blocks south of the marathon’s Central Park finish line.
After several minutes, they succeeded in locating the M&M’s store on their map, then traced its distance from the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. At no point did the tourists appear to notice that they were effectively blocking the way for hundreds of irritated runners.
“In a word,” Mailer said, “these folks were clueless.”
After taking a few group selfies, the family wandered off in search of a cab, wondering aloud whether a lighted sign on the roof meant the cab was available or unavailable.