Duck Annoys Friends With Endless Talk About Running NYC Marathon
A duck seen in a viral video waddling alongside runners in last Sunday’s New York City Marathon has been “talking about it nonstop” ever since, Dumb Runner has learned, irritating fellow ducks and other animals in his barnyard home.
The duck, named after the book A Wrinkle in Time, became an internet sensation as social media users shared the video showing Wrinkle on the marathon course wearing what appear to be little red shoes.
“First of all, he keeps talking about the shoes,” said Gus, a duck who shares a pen with Wrinkle. “Apparently they were relatively new and he wore them anyway but then developed what he called a ‘hot spot’ that bothered him.”
“So he’s limping around because of that,” Gus said. “Like, conspicuously. Whenever someone asks what’s wrong, he launches into his marathon story. I’ve heard it, I think, a dozen times already.”
Wrinkle finds other excuses to talk about the marathon, sources said.
“He waddled up as I was having dinner,” said Gertrude, a hog who lives in a nearby sty. “Started talking about how he got so hungry during the marathon, all he could think about was grain. And then after he finished, he was surprised to discover that he really didn’t have much of an appetite, how mostly he was just thirsty.”
“And I’m all, like, That’s great, Wrinkle—may I please get back to eating my slop now?”
The farm that Wrinkle calls home has at least 18 other animals, including sheep, goats, chickens, and several dogs. All of them, sources said, have been avoiding Wrinkle since his return.
“If I have to hear one more time about the crowds in Brooklyn,” said Hamilton, a goat, “I’m going to scream.”