Friends Arrange to Meet for Post-Election 5-Miler, Unless Powder Keg of Hyperpartisan Rage Explodes, Sparking Orgy of Violence, in Which Case They’ll Postpone
Two local runners agreed today to meet for a run after the U.S. presidential election, unless the results spur widespread politically motivated violence and roving gun battles turn their neighborhood into a free-fire zone like something out of a war movie/horror movie mashup.
If that happens, the runners decided, they would “push (their run) back” to Thursday or Friday.
“Let’s wait and see,” said Sue Sarandon during a brief Facetime conversation with Gina Davies, a longtime friend and running partner.
“Game-day decision,” replied Davies. “Sounds good.”
The friends typically run together two or three times a week, sources said. This is not a typical week, of course. Election Day is today, capping months—some would say years—of increasingly hostile political tension culminating in historic levels of division and anger, including calls for armed “poll watchers” to monitor voting and threats of violence should the outcome of the election fall a certain way.
Reached for comment, Davies told Dumb Runner that she was “bummed” by the current political climate but that she was doing her best to adapt.
“If that means Sue and I need to delay our run by a day or two, so be it,” she said. “We’re all making sacrifices.”
Asked whether they had voted yet, both Davies and Sarandon said they had not and probably wouldn’t bother.
“I’m just not excited by either candidate,” said Sarandon.
“Same,” said Davies, who added that if she did make it to her polling place, she might write herself in for president, “just for fun.”