Know Why We Don't Do Slideshows?
Note: Because we are ad-free and reader-supported, we do short pledge drives four times a year. This article is in support of our 3-day Winter 2017 Pledge Drive.
Readers, do you know what really gets our goat? Online slideshows.
Do you know why? Because we find needless complications grating. And most online slideshows are the very picture of needless complication—almost always, the information they provide could, and should, be presented on a single page.
Websites chop articles up this way, of course, because doing so = more clicks and more clicks = more ad revenue. Same reason they pose questions in tweets and then urge you to click through for an answer that easily could have fit in the tweet itself.
We do not engage in such shenanigans, because
a. They are (pardon our language) bullcrap, and
b. We don't need to, since
c. Dumb Runner doesn't accept ads, meaning that
d. We don't measure our success by page views.
In other words, our bottom line doesn't depend on wringing as many clicks out of you as possible. All we want to do is make you laugh, or think, or both. Consistently, independently, and with as little hassle as possible.
If you value what we're doing with Dumb Runner and how we're doing it, today through Friday we're asking you to show it with a small monthly pledge or a one-time donation.
Put simply: We need your help.
We need your help to keep producing things like this free Dumb Runner wall calendar. (Which was not free to produce.) Or Ask Dumb Runner, where we answer every single question we get. Or our motivational posters. Or the Dumb Dozen newsletter, which, believe it or not, requires about one full day of labor each week to produce.
There are two ways you can help, both of which are simple, secure, and quick.
To set up a recurring monthly pledge, in any amount, via, click below.
(We offer thank-you gifts starting at the $5/month level, our most popular.)
To make a one-time donation via PayPal, click below.
(The account is in the name of Laurelhurst Media, our LLC; you can also search for us there via our email address,
To everyone who has supported Dumb Runner so far: Thank you.
To everyone else: If you like what we're doing, we hope you'll consider taking just a few moments to help us keep doing it.
Yours Truly,
p.s. Have a question, comment, or concern? Shoot me a note and let me know.