FREE! Ready-to-Send Holiday Letter for Runners
INSTRUCTIONS: Print, circle the appropriate option(s) line by line, copy, and mail. Presto! More time for the important things. Like shopping at the Dumb Runner Store, where great gifts for runners start at just $5.
Merry / Happy Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa / Festivus!
Dear Family / Friends / Colleagues / People I Don't Speak to the Rest of the Year,
Wow! / Shit! Has it been another year already? I don't know where the time goes. Seems like only 12 months ago that I was sending my last holiday letter. Ha ha. / LOL / 😃
It's been an eventful / challenging / wonderful year, full of events / challenges / wonder—and more than a few ups and downs / surprises / open sores.
This year I traveled to Boston / Chicago / New York /_________ and saw all the sights, from the expo to the medical tent. I really should return someday when I'm able to navigate stairs.
I had my share of injuries and setbacks this year, including problems with my feet / ITB / Achilles / back / front / knees / glutes / ex-partner / ex-partner's glutes. I am happy / sad to report that I am currently healthy / still recovering.
Please send thoughts / prayers / gift cards.
The dog is good, and as frisky as ever. / I still do not own a dog.
The kids are great—they grow up so fast! / I still do not have children.
Other than that, there is not much new to report. / We lost Mom / Dad this year.
Here is some generic clip art.
Wishing you health and happiness in the New Year!
Peace and Love,
(your name here)