Local Runner’s Emergency ‘Go Bag’ Just a Hydration Pack With a Shitload of Stroopwafels

main image: depositphotos.com

A local runner’s emergency “go” bag consists of nothing but water and dozens of packaged stroopwafels, Dumb Runner has learned—a decision that disaster preparedness experts described as “curious.”

“When the shit hits the fan, I’ll be ready,” said Damian Kulash, 49, a computer programmer and avid ultra runner. “Everything I need is in that pack.”

“Go” bags, also called bugout bags, are intended for use in an emergency evacuation and typically contain things like nonperishable food, flashlights, medicine and first-aid supplies, cash, and important personal documents, in addition to bottled water.

Kulash’s bag, by contrast, is nothing but a full 1.5-liter hydration pack and food, in the form of GU-brand stroopwafels, described as “delicious syrup-filled wafers.”

“It’s a curious approach,” said Andy Ross, Ph.D., a professor of prepperism and former Army Ranger. “I can appreciate the desire to keep things simple and light, but having to rely on this particular bugout bag for my survival would make me very nervous.”

“Also, what the hell is a stroopwafel?”

Reached for comment, Kulash, who routinely runs races of 50 miles or longer, said he has no such qualms.

“I can be out the door and 30 miles away in a matter of hours—no vehicle required,” he said. “Others can sit trapped in traffic jams, panicking, watching me run by.”

“Maybe I’ll toss them a stroopwafel.”

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