Treadmill Prompts User to Add Tip

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A local runner this morning was prompted to tip his treadmill, Dumb Runner has learned—an offer that the runner declined.

The incident occurred at Reservoir Fitness, a 24-hour gym frequented by the runner, known only as Mr. Pink. Moments after he stepped onto the treadmill and pressed the START button, sources said, the machine’s control panel displayed a large “Add a tip?” screen of the type that’s become ubiquitous at bars, restaurants, and coffeehouses.

Mr. Pink, according to the sources, was taken aback.

“What the hell is this?” he said. “Add a [expletive] tip?”

After tapping the “No tip” button with his index finger, Mr. Pink began his run.

Reached for comment, Mr. Pink gave Dumb Runner a terse statement.

“I don’t tip,” he said.

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