Woman Promises Husband He’ll Make New Running Friends Where They're Moving
A local runner distraught by an upcoming move will find new friends to run with, his wife told him yesterday—an assurance that seemed to fall on deaf ears.
The runner, identified as Arlo Pear, 38, has been living and running for eight years in the couple’s current town, where he is a regular at local races, belongs to a local running club, and has several close friends who run together at least twice a week. The move was prompted when his wife, Monica, got a new job out of state.
Pear initially seemed to accept the move, sources said, and even seemed excited about it; eventually, though, those positive feelings gave way to apprehension and anxiety, culminating in a tearful exchange Sunday, as he and his wife packed boxes in their living room.
“All of my running friends are here,” he said, holding back tears. “I don’t want to leave.”
Consoled by his wife, who told him that she understood but that he would make new running friends in their new city, Pear replied that he didn’t want new running friends.
“I want my old ones!” he said.
At last report, Pear’s wife had resumed packing by herself as her husband went to the couple’s bedroom to listen to music.