Local Runner Snags Ultra-Rare 'Runner's World Number 1' at Yard Sale

A local man browsing items at a yard sale Sunday afternoon stumbled across a rare find, Dumb Runner has learned—an intact issue of the first ever edition of “Runner’s World” magazine.

“I was looking through a box full of old magazines and books, and it was mostly junk,” said Henry Walton Jones, Jr., a professor who stopped by the yard sale while walking his dog, Indiana. “Then all of a sudden, there’s this.”

“I was, like, Holy moly,” he said. “That’s a Runner’s World Number 1.”

The magazine, dated July 1886 and displaying the publication’s original name, “The Runner’s World,” is in remarkably good condition. Experts said there are as few as half a dozen copies in existence, making it extremely valuable. The magazine, they estimated, could fetch up to $600,000 at auction.

Asked whether he would keep the relic or try to sell it, Jones didn’t hesitate.

“This,” he said, “belongs in a museum.”