So-Called 'Complete’ Running Book Doesn’t Mention Strava Even Once


A book claiming to be a comprehensive guide to running is anything but, a local man said today, citing a number of topics it doesn’t cover.

“This thing has zero mentions of Strava,” said Herbert Wells, thumbing through his newly purchased copy of The Complete Book of Running, by James E Fixx. “Zero!”

“Doesn’t cover Whoop, either,” he added. “In fact, it doesn’t have anything about the internet at all. What the hell?”

Wells also said the book lacked “even the most basic information” on massage guns, carbon-plated shoes, and GPS watches.

“Want to learn about fueling and hydration?” he asked. “Good luck. There’s jack squat in here about Tailwind, Nuun, Skratch, or Maurten.”

“I can’t believe I paid six bucks for this thing,” he said. “What a ripoff.”

Fixx did not respond to multiple requests for comment.