'Sponsored Post' Writer Scrubs and Scrubs But Still Feels Dirty
An editor for an outdoor gear website has been in the shower for more than 30 minutes, Dumb Runner has learned, yet still feels unclean.
Fred Garvin, 28, an associate editor for GearPatrol.com, stepped into his shower moments after publishing a post titled “Lululemon’s ABC Jogger Is the Perfect Summer Pant,” according to a source. The source said Garvin was scouring his flesh with body wash and a stiff brush, complaining of feeling dirty.
In the post, published “in partnership with Lululemon,” Garvin heaps praise on the pants, writing,
“Whether you're working from home, working out, or heading out for an errand, the ABC Jogger is the perfect blend of style, performance and comfort. You likely already know this. But what you might not know, is that the ABC Jogger comes in a host of different fabric options …”
He goes on to describe two versions of the product, holding each up as the pinnacle of versatility and comfort, even in “the dog days of summer”:
“Like Warpstreme, Ventlight Mesh offers four-way stretch and is quick-drying, which makes it perfect for all-day wear on even the hottest of days.”
Garvin ultimately suggests that readers will want to purchase one of each style.
During a Skype call with the source, Dumb Runner could hear Garvin seething as he stood under the pulsing shower head.
“Get clean!” Garvin said. “Clean, goddammit!”
The source said that Garvin, who worked on his college newspaper and holds a degree in journalism, “always wanted to be a writer.”
Oddly enough, the source said, the body wash that Garvin was using came from another Gear Patrol “partner.” In a previous sponsored post, Garvin described that product as “the perfect way to wash away grit and grime after a hard workout, leaving nothing behind but notes of mint and eucalyptus—and a less-stressful you!”
Garvin, who was still in the shower as the interview ended, was not available for comment.