Runner Listens to Body, Eats Entire Tin of Caramel Corn
/A local runner “listened to her body” Sunday, Dumb Runner has learned, skipping her long run and opting instead to consume a 1.26-gallon tin of caramel corn.
Linda Hamilton, 41, had planned to meet a friend for an early morning 12-miler, but woke up to a text message from her friend saying she had to “bail.” That left Hamilton with a choice: Do the run alone, or bail herself.
“I had every intention of doing the run,” Hamilton said. “But when I walked into the kitchen for coffee, I saw this big tub of caramel corn on the table.”
The caramel corn, she explained, had arrived the day before, a gift from her mother.
“I figured I’d have a couple of handfuls with my coffee,” said Hamilton, “just to fuel up for my run.”
“My body was telling me it didn’t need a run—it needed more caramel corn.”
As she ate those couple of handfuls, though, Hamilton’s body began to send her signals.
“I’ve been a runner for a long time,” she said, “and I know the importance of listening to your body. At that point, my body was telling me it didn’t need a run—it needed more caramel corn. Like, a lot more.”
“I listened.”
Over the next hour or so, Hamilton said, she ate the entire tin. According to the label, that amounted to about 28 cups. The tin, according to its product description, is “typically used for parties of 15 or more.”
At last report, Hamilton was drinking a tall glass of ice water and considering a short nap, secure in the knowledge that her mind and body were working in sync.
“Your body knows what it needs,” she said. “It will tell you. Trust it.”