Local Man Resolves to Talk About Running Marathon in 2019
A local man has just one New Year’s resolution—to “take the next step” in his running career and talk about running a marathon in 2019.
Emmett Brown, 46, a systems analyst, describes himself as an avid runner, having run dozens of 5Ks and four half-marathons. But he’s never tackled a 26.2-miler.
“I’ve been thinking about running a marathon for years,” Brown said. “In 2018 I began to think about talking about running one. Now, I figure, it’s time to take the next step and actually talk about it.”
“It’s a little nerve-racking,” he said. “But after a certain point, you just need to make that leap, you know?”
“I mean, I’m not getting any younger.”
Talking about running a marathon is a laudable goal, said Biff Tannen, a professor of psychology at DeLorean College—but you need to do it right.
“Be specific,” Tannen said. “For instance, instead of saying, ‘I’ll talk about running a marathon in 2019,’ say, ‘Three days a week I’ll mention wanting to run a marathon, including at least once on social media.’”
Also, make yourself accountable.
“Tell your friends and family you’re going to talk about running a marathon,” said Tannen. “You’re less likely to back out if you know others will be watching.”
Brown said he hasn’t yet decided which marathon he’ll talk about running, but he’s leaning toward Boston.
“If I’m going to talk about running a marathon,” he said, “I might as well make it a big one, right?”