Copernicus Is First Renaissance Mathematician and Astronomer to Grace Cover of Women's Running Magazine


Women's Running magazine will feature a groundbreaking circa-16th-century scientist on its cover this September—a move that is being hailed as "overdue" and "a game changer in the world of publishing."

The magazine today released an image of the cover to media outlets.

Nicolaus Copernicus, an astronomer and mathematician best remembered for introducing the concept of a heliocentric solar system—i.e. one in which the planets revolve around the sun, not around the earth, as most believed in his time—was a logical choice, said Joan Marie Larkin, a spokesperson for the magazine.

"He literally changed the way we look at our place in the universe," said Larkin. "And he did it at a time when doing so could get you in big trouble."

"Copernicus's strength, courage, and can-do attitude make him a perfect cover subject for us and for women runners everywhere," she added.

The famed polymath and polyglot, who lived from 1473 to 1543, possessed a restless and tireless intellect, studying law, medicine, and economics in addition to math and astronomy. His model of a heliocentric solar system, while brilliant, earned him condemnation from many, including the Roman Catholic Church, which called it heretical.

It is unknown whether he was a runner.

Reaction among the magazine's audience was mostly positive.

"OMG yasss I love me some Copernicus," wrote one woman on Women's Running's Facebook page.

"Who?" wrote another.

The September issue hits newsstands on August 8.