9 Fun Simpsons Moments for Runners
Friends, if you are even a little bit of a Simpsons fan, you will enjoy Frinkiac.com. If you are a huge Simpsons fan, like I am, well... This is the website you've been waiting for your entire Simpsons-watching life.
Rather than try to explain the awesomeness of this new website myself, I'll let its creators do it for me:
Frinkiac is a search engine for Simpsons quotes. It contains nearly 3 million screenshots (every episode from season 1 through 151) indexed by the quote they are associated with and has a variety of features to help you find the exact screenshot you're looking for. Once you've found it you can share it with your friends or make a quick meme. Never again find yourself wishing you could pinpoint the second his heart rips in half. You'll feel like god must feel when he's holding a gun.
I am so excited about this I could make a boom-boom.
Just for fun I searched Frinkiac.com for words like run, jog, and marathon to see what I got. Here are nine of my favorite results.
Try it yourself at Frinkiac.com. And, hey—why not round out your Simpsons DVD collection?