Goose Practically Begging Runner to Take One More Step

A goose and a runner are locked in a tense standoff on a waterfront path, Dumb Runner has learned, and neither party seems ready to back down.

The runner, identified as Pete Mitchell, 26, reportedly was about three miles into a planned six-mile run around Lake Miramar this morning when he encountered the goose, whose name and age are unknown.

“(Mitchell) was running along at a pretty good clip when he rounded a bend and saw the goose,” said Charlotte Blackwood, 23, who was running close behind Mitchell at the time. “The goose is, like, right smack in the middle of the path and he just looks up, like, Come at me, bro.”

Blackwood, who described the waterfowl as “fearless” and “unblinking,” said Mitchell stopped in his tracks, unsure how to proceed.

“So here’s this full-grown man, standing there, blocked by a goose,” she said. “Goose is practically begging (Mitchell) to try to pass him. As in, like, C’mon, dude, gimme a reason.

For her part, Blackwood said she gave them both a wide berth and continued with her run.

At last report, Mitchell and the goose were still on the path, staring each other down.