(FREE!) 2017 Dumb Runner Calendar



Dear readers, I love you. I hope you know that by now.

This love manifests itself in any number of ways, from the inside jokes that I hide in my work, like little love notes tucked away in a lunch sack, to the awkward hugs I give whenever I meet one of you in real life.

It also manifests itself in my willingness to assemble this yearly Free Tiny Calendar, even though doing so is a tremendous pain in the ass. I do it because I care. About you. Dear readers.

And so here is your free, tiny, calendar for 2017.

The instructions, as always, are simple:

  1. Print this page, preferably on a color printer. (Note: Each "month" is a separate image, so you may also print each one individually. Simply right-click each image to open it in a new tab or window.)
  2. Carefully cut out each of the 12 months.
  3. Staple your pages together at the top, or simply jab a thumbtack through 'em, to display your calendar.
  4. Sit and admire your free tiny calendar, marveling at what a terrific person I am.

Happy New Year, everyone. Here's to a joyous and healthy 2017.


p.s. For more motivation—including the "posters" used below—see our NEW Motivational Posters page!


Pssst! This calendar is free, but creating it wasn't...


Thanks to Calendarlabs.com for the free 2017 calendar template. February image is from Unsplash.com; all others purchased at iStockphoto.com.