Subway Rat Sees Shadow, Meaning Good Weekend Weather for NYC Marathoners

Kit Suman on Unsplash/

Kit Suman on Unsplash/

A large brown rat known as “Brooklyn Benny” entered a New York City subway car early this morning and saw his shadow, meaning spectators and runners in the New Yorker City Marathon this weekend can expect good weather.

Benny’s race weekend “forecast” has become something of a tradition for New York’s subway users. As far back as 2015, the filthy rodent has scurried aboard a subway car during marathon week, noticed his shadow—or not—and then raced out the doors at the next stop.

If Benny sees his shadow, the tradition goes, the marathon will enjoy cool temperatures, dry conditions, and gray skies; if he does not, then rain, wind, or extreme temperatures are in store.

This year, Benny darted onto a downtown F train at the 23rd Street station. Surveying the crowded interior with beady eyes, he turned, saw his shadow, urinated, and darted under and around passengers’ legs to the other end of the car. When the doors slid open at the next stop, 14th Street, he exited and disappeared into the crowd. Reports that Benny transferred to an uptown 1 train could not be confirmed.

Passengers who witnessed Benny’s appearance said they hope his prediction holds true.

“At this point, I’ll take all the good news I can get,” said William Murray, a Queens native who will run his third New York City Marathon this Sunday. “Let’s hope Benny knows what he’s doing.”

Another marathon runner who saw Benny on the F had a different take.

“Oh my God!” shrieked Andie MacDowell, an Ohio resident visiting New York for the first time. “Is that a rat?!?”